I went with these people. Danny and the family of one of his teachers. Husband, wife, and two middle school girls.
Not quite the top, but its close.
That's the other half of the island.
This is where I used to live. Of all those similar looking apartment buildings, I lived in the top left one.
This is my general neighborhood. I live in the building directly behind that large red roof in the center.
Here's a fussy little critter I managed to snap a photo of.
Here's a very sweaty me at the top. Notice the chest sweat.
Here's the opposite side of where I live on the island. It's the over half of Youngdo-gu and just across those bridges is Nampo-dong where we spend a lot of our time. This is only a small section of the city. Much more of it is to the left, right, and behind those mountains.
This is an abandonded school that we walked past.
Then we went to a restaurant along the coast of Taejeongadae.
This is what was on the menu. Those are all filled with critters. Click to see a larger picture.
The appetizer.
Our little grill to cook food. But what kind of food?
Ah, splendiferous shellfish garnished with vegetables and spices allready.
How did we cook that? Watch this video.
It ended up like this. We grilled shrimp, used the shells as little plates, and dumped all the hodge-podge into the tray to stew together.
We'd cut the little muslces and stire them around.
Later, we received a large plate of different types of raw seafood. A video below will show you what's so special about it.
Up close and still slimy.
Watch and relish what you're missing.
One last video of what our food was.
Here's a door behind Danny's apartment. It's just a free standing door with no wall. I just don't understand.
Later, I went to the market. I think you can guess what's going to happen here.
I found a shirt for Nick Rempe.
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